Immigration Law Fundamentals Training

Event Type: Advocate
Starts: 02/18/2016 - 2:00pm
Ends: 03/24/2016 - 4:00pm
Location & Trainers:
The Training will be offered on six Thursday mornings, in both Detroit (Wayne State University Law School) and Wyoming (Kentwood Community Church).  Presenters will alternate between locations, which will be video-linked together.  BIA Accredited Representative Diego Bonesatti of Michigan United and MIRC Attorneys Ruby Robinson and Susan Reed will be the instructors together with some special guests.
Requirements for Completion:
Attendance at all six sessions, as well as significant "homework" will be required. We estimate that the homework and assigned reading will take students 3-6 hours per week to complete and we discourage registration by those who will not have time to complete it.  Students must pass a final exam to obtain a certificate of completion to submit to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).


The sessions will be held on the following dates from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: 

February 18, February 25, March 3, March 10, March 17, and March 24. 
Because our goal is to increase nonprofit immigration legal services capacity by increasing BIA recognition and accreditation, priority will be given to staff and volunteers of nonprofit organizations.  However, attorney staff of nonprofit organizations and attorneys in private practice and law students may also register and will be placed in the course if space is available. 
Costs & materials:
When your registration is confirmed, you will receive an email with information about paying the course registration fee of $220 and how to purchase required course materials. Course materials are sold by the ILRC at a cost of $215 for hard copy only or PDF only, or $240 for the hard copy/PDF combo.  (So, the total cost of the training will be either $435 or $460 in two separate payments -- one to us and one to ILRC.)